B2B 225 – It’s A Game Of Demand

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Basketball trainers! Are you familiar with Alex Hormozi’s $100M Offers? If yes, maybe you can share your takeaways on this podcast. If not, this book might be something that you’d like to check out.

01:16 One takeaway from reading the book: The demand has to flow. And once demand flows, cash flows, too.

02:55 A business strategy (I read from the book) that we recently did which gained result within the hour

04:05 From Joe Rogan: “Desire is a contract you make with yourself until you get what you want.”

05:07 From Sean Hardin: “You have to appraise a diamond. You can find a diamond, but you also don’t know it’s worth until you appraise it.”

06:26 People are gonna pay more for the same thing than they are originally were based on how they perceive the service itself.

07:04 Always trying to generate demand is tough.

07:33 What we do about our churn rate

08:00 Scarcity and Urgency To Increase Demand in Business
08:41 My Personal Takeaways

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Episode 224