How did a private school principal and head coach go from working 70 hours a week to running a business full-time with two of his friends? It was common for Coach Daniel Thompson to work 70+ hours per week. After reviewing 40 Hallmark movies on a Wednesday and Sunday night, the “Deck The Hallmark” podcast skyrocketed. So much so that he quit his job to run the podcasting company full time. Listen in to hear his journey and more importantly, take nuggets away to help you on yours. 2:00 – The work that has to happen when going viral 7:00 – Working 70 hours a week and hustling on the side 13:00 – How Coach Daniel knew the podcast could provide a full-time income 16:00 – How they missed out on $75k 24:00 – The distribution strategy that helped them grow to 2-3k podcast listens per day with $0 in advertising. 26:00 – The hardest sell as a basketball coach. “If you can sell this, you can sell anything.” 32:00 – Key indicators for his 1-3-1 Defense and podcasting business 36:00 – Coach Daniel’s advice if you have a side-hustle Follow @hallmarkpodcast on Twitter and Instagram and visit to follow their live shows!